Destiny 2 Launch Event

The Destiny 2 Launch Event was held at the Jet Center in Hawthorne, California featuring the official gameplay reveal trailer for “Destiny 2”, the sequel to the popular video game “Destiny.” “Destiny 2” is set to release in late 2017. This event featured a livestream which provided members of the gaming community the first-ever look at the upcoming version’s gameplay. In addition, live gaming and player vs player experiences were held at this event.

Brown Pelican WiFi deployed an event WiFi network in two airplane hangars that had little to no infrastructure in place. In addition to WiFi, 10,000 feet of cable was run to connect the gaming server to PS4 dev kits and PCs to ensure that the heavy, live gaming activity was a success for participants.

Partnered with: Onboard Experiential Marketing
Client: Activision

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