Without a solid network, your virtual / hybrid event is at risk. Are you prepared?
Brown Pelican has been providing solid network solutions to support livestreams and virtual events for over a decade. We use enterprise-grade equipment and have some of the best experts in the business to make sure you don’t fail. The key is to plan ahead, and we’ll work with you during this most critical stage of your project to understand your needs and craft the right solution.
We’re the glue between the AV company, livestream provider, event production, and venue. We partner with the best AV and streaming companies in the industry to deliver a full-service virtual event.
Whether you’re considering a full virtual event or a hybrid of live and virtual, we can help.
Brown Pelican WiFi’s Services include:
- End to end circuit management
- Circuit health monitoring
- Network redundancy and failover
- Stream distribution via IP, local network and wide network
- Production networking
- Technical Project Management
- Venues for virtual event broadcast studio
Our networks support:
- Unicast or Multicast streaming
- On-Demand video playback
- 4K HD video
- support for PC players, Media Servers and IP Set Top Boxes
- Single menu of channels distributed over an IP network throughout a venue
- Social Platforms including Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Twitch, Zoom…
Some Examples of Virtual & Hybrid Network Projects
To see all our projects click here
If you’re looking for the right networking and WiFi solution, contact us and we’ll do an audit of your current situation.
(855) 235-9434 or info@brownpelicanwifi.com